Need Teen Sleepover Birthday Party Games


I am having my Sleepover Birthday party in 2 weeks from now and I can not find very many games to play that go with the theme "sleepovers" It is going to be with about 8-10 girls only!! We are alll around the age of 12-13!!! I am looking for fun games that you can play with prizes, no boardgames!!!! Please anyone who has an idea please write back!!!

Posted by Becca; updated 01/25/07


I`m about to go to a sleepover and i need some good pranks!!
Please help!!

Also i have an awsome game that me and my cousins LOVE playing at my nanna`s house it is called Sluggy. You need a duvet/blanket/sleeping bag, and one person has to go under/ in the duvet/blanket/sleeping bag, That person is the sluggy, and then the sluggy has to walk or crawl round the room and try and get someone. The person they catch swaps with them. Also no peeking or it spoils it. This is a reletivly oldish game in england but me and my cuzins (and brother) made another rule, you can `save` someone (but not if aldready caught, e.g. Leg grabbed by sluggy) and whoever you save has to owe you a save. This happens each save you do!

Also Ghost in the dark, a bit like hide and seek only in 1 room, you can move around, and its in the dark! it is very very funny!

Also grandmothers footsteps, 1 person (the grandmother) at the end of a corridor, hallway, etc, and you need places to hide, like chairs with blankets over them, and the other people are at the opposite end to the grandmother, and have to try and get to the grandmother.the lights are turned off and the grandmother has a torch. Every time the grandmother hears something they turn round and shine the torch around. The grandmother has to stay where she is and must not move around (or it spoils it) if the grandmother sees you then you must go back to the start. The first one there wins.

Hope this helps!!
Posted by Charlie; updated 01/25/07