Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Brittney Spears, Kelly Rippa, to name a few big celbrities who have the secret to beautiful hair. It is clip in human hair extensions and I have them cheap in awesome quality sets for your entire head. This is a must accessory for any special occasion or for every day use. Pop them in and out in minutes. Our prices are very reasonable and are under $100.00 for an entire set unlike some celebrity sets going for upwards of $500.00! Call today and I will send you more information on colors...etc... All sets are 20" in length and can be cut and styled to your liking. We carry 10 different colors to match your own. Call today or email me for more information on how to get your extensions.
Visit our page for more info: Glamour Extensions~clip in Human Hair Extension
Posted by JODI SMITH; updated 01/21/07