The Perfect Wedding Song

Just wanted to say congratulations to you all on your upcoming weddings! My name is Christy, and after a few years of dating, my fiancée proposed on Christmas Eve. So I thought this would be a good place to seek out advice on getting the preparations under way.

And I was wondering…what wedding songs have you selected? Any ideas? Is it better to have live music or recorded music? The church I’m planning the ceremony in has sort of limited capabilities, so I have to consider both.

I’ve been doing some research into a young singer I heard a few weeks ago named Kelly Sweet. And this is too good not to share. Kelly sings a beautiful song called “We Are One,” and I read where she and are having a giveaway where Kelly Sweet will sing at the wedding reception of the winner. I just registered for this contest at and was able to get a free download of her beautiful song on the site too. Hope you can check into it as well.

Bless you and your loved ones on your special day!
Posted by Christy; updated 01/20/07


Congrats! we have been engaged almost two years now, and planning. Thanks for the info on the music. We are having a singer come sing for our unity candle lighting(he`s a friend from church beautiful voice). Lots of times there are people already you know to do this? live is better music, but you do whatever is best, and you can get. We are having a DJ and karaoke and MC at our reception. Also organist and soloist at the wedding. So you can mix it up. A good idea maybe to have back up music cds if someone doesnt show.
Posted by Beccah; updated 01/28/07