Hi I need advice for my daughters quince.. I dont have any damas or chamberlines cause I was having trouble with them in getting their things for the quince. So I chose to eliminate them right there in then. Now my question is how and what can I do . She has her escort and she will be having her father and daughter dance... But how can I convert it all together.....
Posted by liza; updated 01/15/07
I am a sweet fifteen coordinator and choreographer, I am in the process of preparing a party for 2/17. Its just the girl and her escort. So far its coming out beautiful. Where are you, Im in NJ.
Posted by Liz; updated 01/17/07
I"m in texas I just need some ideas and I just found out that my daughter is going to look for a new escort... I`m fustrated as it is and wish it was over .... Liza :(
Posted by liza; updated 01/18/07