Fairtytale Cinderella Pumkin Carriage
If you are interested in a Fairtytale Cinderella Pumpkin Carriage you can see us on the episode of Cindy`s Sweet sixteen on My Super Sweet Sixteen on MTV or you can log onto our website Valentinecarriage.com and call me @ 888 397-9672. Se habla Espanol.
Visit our page for more info: Valentine Carriage
Posted by Wilma Valentine; updated 01/13/07
Hi, can you please email me at jizeelzamora@aol.com
I need to know when will this show on MTV so we can watch it ? also we need a Cinderella Pumkin Carriage also for my daughter`s Quince, but we live in Orlando, FL. Is there anyone here that you know and would refer to me ?
Posted by Jizeel; updated 01/15/07
Congratulations on your upcoming celebration. You can go into your on demand portion of your cable menu, and select Cindy`s Sweet Sixteen. In the interim there are several companies listed for your State that you can call and begin your planning. Happy planning, and Happy Birthday!
Visit our page for more info: Valentine Carriage
Posted by Wilma Valentine; updated 01/18/07