13 Year Old Game Party Ideas!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!

Hi everyone,

Ok, I need games and stuff we can do or eat it is a slumber party for only girls...roller skating in the garage and music and everyone comes dressed like a superstar...anymore ideas PLEASE!!!!HELP!!!!
Posted by Azzy; updated 01/08/07


Why not have a dance contest.
Another fun one is have two people hold a balloon between there backs or(forehead) to the finish line to win wihout dropping the balloon ...the catch..a third person has to gve them instructions while thier walking..example: take three baby steps...now jump two times etc. Without using thier hands...
Posted by Diana; updated 01/08/07


Go 2 my ideas, the subj. Is 13th bday by kenzer.
Posted by kenzer; updated 01/08/07


Capture this birthday with a photo storybook. We help you create a coffee table style book with photos, stories and adventures. It`s all created online, published and sent to you. Check it out online: www.CheetahScraps.com and contact me for a publishing account.

Visit our page for more info: Heritage Makers, Preserving Your Joyful Memories

Posted by Lisa Klipfel; updated 01/21/07


Da chocolate game is wiked. Ill explain it cause da othr person didnt explain it very wel.Evry1 sits in a circle. In da middle is a hat, scarf, gloves and big (cold) slab of chocolat n knife n fork. A dice is passed round the circle with ppl takin it in turns to roll. If a 6 is rolled then dat person goes into the middle and puts on the hat, gloves n scarf den dey av to cut da choccy wid knife n fork and eat pieces 1 blok @ a time.Dey cant break or pick up choccy wid dere hands dey only allowed 2 use the knife n fork. The die continues to go round the circle bein rolld by each person. If anothr 6 is rolled den dat person takes over the person in the middle!!! It very fun. I avin my party on 3rd-4th feb.
Posted by Bexy; updated 01/23/07


Hi people please give me some ideas for a birthday party i will be 13 and i have a max of 200 pounds to spend. If u have any ideas please email me on aaron.plaskitt@tesco.net
Posted by azza; updated 02/03/07


Have a theme - like new york city at night or 60`s!
Posted by anna R; updated 02/21/07


A great game i found was to put 7 mnm`s on a plate & than to cover it with whipped cream. Each player then need to put their plate on the floor , lay down, and without using their hands retrieve all 7 mnm`s. Whoever gets all of them first wins.
Posted by layne; updated 05/20/07


Hi there, I think 13 year olds need something fun and excitting. Why not an Amazing race party. Of course you will need two drivers, or 3 etc depending on how many people you have at the party. Work out ahead of time how many would be on a team. (draw names for teams at the party, that is best ) . Have things like, go to some Macdonalds and bue some fries, share them between the team and eat them all before you leave. Then clues about heading to a school or park or something and making a piramid and taking a picture or something of it before you leave. (obvioulsy the person driving would need a camera). Have them go to a variety store and buy a 5 cent candy and then get a clue to the next place from the person working there, etc. Come up with lots of great ideas and places to go, and of course the last place would be the birthday persons home, first team there wins prize, then enjoy somebirthday cake or dinner or whatever and laugh about your experiences of the race together.
Posted by budgiesunshine; updated 01/09/08


I am planning my 13th birthday party and i know this might sound strange but i am having a moon bounce. You might think that this is for little kids but all of my friends seem to think it is a great idea. Also i know how 7th grade girls and boys are. I am also planning on doing manhunt in my neiborhood and decorating. Also there will be a table with music and food. If u have any other ideas i would ;ove to hear them.
Posted by shannon; updated 02/21/08


K, so another idea is if u buy tons of diff.. Kinds a chocolate and u have 2 melt them all (seperate).
Pass the plate round 2 all ure friends and they have too guess which chocolate is which.
(whoever wins gets a few candy bars or something.
Posted by Hannah; updated 02/24/08



I luv ur ideas, but i need help with my party. I`m having a coed dance party, and the theme is black and white. What kind of games would b fun @ a dance party 4 12-13 year olds?

Should i have it b a dance like @ a dance 4 school or should i have it be like wear what ever u want like every day clothes?

I`m wearing a dress so would it be weird if everyone wore clothes they wear everyday?
Posted by sydnee; updated 03/08/08


There are a lot of things you can do make t-shares that what my cuz did with gole in the dark pant
Posted by Marissa; updated 03/21/08


Im 12 turning 13 in about 2 weeks. Im at the point where im trying to stay away from the artsy crafty and kiddy stuff. Im thinking bout inviting boys to. I just dont know what we should do. Im kinda on a price limit also. Plzz help me!! ive ssen some good ideas, they just dont fit me. And some sound fun, but the rents dont approve type of thing. HELP!!
Posted by Rachel; updated 04/27/08


Where do u live? u could do monster mini golf..it looks really fun. It`s this indoor mini golf place where u golf..and they have monsters..it looked really fun. Hope i could help!!!
Posted by sydnee; updated 04/28/08


Heres an idea... For my 13th B-day party im having a dance + singing party! Im goin to get an affordable dj... Some kool lights and foggers!! And when were finished dancing were gunna have a singing contest and then a slumber party. I hope everyone will like it and plz can someone give me more ideas lol.... I want this b-day to be really special:P
Posted by Sadie; updated 06/11/08


I need help thinking of having a party. I don`t know what kind of party or anything. Please help!
Posted by Olivia; updated 08/24/08


I think u should have a sleepover and then tie die bras and under wear....i`m thinking about doing that.......it would be awesome!!!!!! and then u should have like a little dance party or something...and maybe invite boys.
What u could also do is be picked up from school in a limo and then go out 2 lunch or dinner and the like go 2 the mall and have a scavenger hunt.
HOPE I HELPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Sydnee; updated 08/25/08


Well i am 13 and i am having a barmitzvah, and i thought. Gambeling. Its something i like to do, like rolett and well all of them. In a big group have prizes to spend with the points/tokens it could be fun (but expensive)
Posted by waLDO; updated 09/15/08


OMG! You guys dont know anything about having a great party! first invite a ton of people and you can just have it at home. Make a fire so you can have hot dogs for dinner and a bonfire. Get chips drinks and blast the music. Also a good idea is to get a moon jump! It may sound kiddish but its the best thing ever you just have to rent one. They are a great way to gossip and for guys to feel right at home. If you have a trampolin use it! The last thing i have got to say is have a bottle handy you dont always have to do the kissing spin the bottle you can do truth or dare spin the bottle!
Posted by Colleen; updated 10/04/08