I need to get some Information. My daughter has been invited to her friends Quincenera in a week. I am so excited for her. Can I have someone tell me what I can get her friend for a gift. I know it is not like a regular Birthday Party. So I need some advice and also what should my daughter wear, I wish I was going! Please
Someone e- mail me. Thanks.
Posted by Lisa; updated 02/07/03
I think the dress style is probably dressy casual.
Posted by Maribel; updated 02/07/03
I thing thats good that your daughters getting invited to a quincenera im going to have one to but you dont want to know that well i think your daughter should find out stuff by her self, and not by her mom because how do you want her to live. Your not going to be there for her for all her life right. Well anyways i think your DAUGHTER should ask her friend what she likes and if its not to expensive buy it or if your rich then it wont matter well thats all i was going to say, and again congradulation to your daughter.
Posted by soledad; updated 01/01/05
A 15era is actually similar to the american sweet sixteen its the coming of age and moving from a girl to a lady, it all depends on the family or you for that matter what the "dress code" is it can be formal, business casual, formal casual. Whatever tickles your pickle. As far as a gift get her something that fits the occasion. No toys, clothes, DISHES. If anything jewlry or a nice birthday card with a small contribution will be nice.
Posted by juan; updated 03/10/05