Depo Shot
I started on the Depo Shot in 1996 or 1997. I took my last shot in 1999. I was due for a shot in Nov. 1999 but i was out of town with my sick son so I was unable to take the shot . I had to be reevauated in 2000 and found out I had to use another form of BC. I was diagnoised with breast cancer in 2001. I was told the type of cancer I had was caused by estrogen. I was told I could no longer take any types of hormones with estrogen. Pryor to taking the shot I was on birth control pill for about 7-8 years. I have gained 50 pounds since i came off the shot and have been diagnoised with osto- .
Please keep me informed.
Posted by Voncile Flowers; updated 10/10/06