Songs For A Sweet Sixteen Dance
Need a list of Any Sweet Sixteen songs....
Posted by Suga; updated 10/08/06
I need a song to dance with my father with...i like butterfly kisses but it is about a wedding any suggestions
Posted by Kelly; updated 10/08/06
Need song name & artist for a good father daughter dance for a sweet sixteen. Can you please help?
Posted by Jennifer; updated 10/08/06
Im having a quince soon an im dancing qith my dad to temtarions My girl its a good song so think about it
Posted by Samantha; updated 10/13/06
Email me if you need a song
Posted by JC; updated 10/13/06
Can you recommend a song for my sweet sixteen for my dad to dance with me, not a wedding song please
Posted by betty; updated 11/14/06
I`m looking for the best song to dance with my dad.. Can some please let me know which one is the best. Also I need to find one to dance with my grand dad...
Thanks... Erica
Posted by Erica Rivera; updated 11/25/06