Quinceanera Outline
Hey I need a quinceanera outline. I have one of how I think my will be done, but I could use everyone suggestions.
This is wat my outline looks like:
Guest start arriving
Introduction of the court then the birthday girl with her escort.
Then mother crowns birthday girl, then changing of her shoes.
Father/daughter dance
When the song is over, then the father hands her over to the escort and dance the waltz including the court.
Once waltz is completed they walk out and then dancing can begin with everyone.
7:00 - 7:15
Then birthday girl presents the doll over to a younger sister or younger family member or special friend.
Cake cutting
Dancing till its over.
Posted by Maribel; updated 02/06/03
Is my outline good or not?
Posted by Maribel; updated 02/08/03
This sound like a good outline, (thanks for the format)- but I must ask- what if the quince doesn`t have a younger sister or knows of a younger girl to pass the doll too- is there another way to incorporate this tradition, just wondering
Posted by yngrandma; updated 04/13/03
U can give it to any girl thats special in ur life.
Posted by Maribel; updated 04/14/03
Well i never knew you had to pass it to a younger sister the way i have seen it here where i live and in mexico where i come from is that the quinceanera trows it back to all the little girls taht have not had there quince and one catches the doll
Posted by rosi; updated 04/14/03
So its kind of like when the bridesmaid throws the bouquet
Posted by erica; updated 04/15/03
Well Im come from Mexico too, but I was born here and we always did it - passing the doll down to a younger sister. I`ve never seen it done like that at any of the Quinceaneras that I`ve been to. What part of Mexico are you from?
Posted by Maribel; updated 04/15/03
The doll also symbolizes the end of your youth. Thus, it symbolizes your last doll. You can pass it down or you can keep it as your last doll.
It all depends on your tradition and what you want to do, it`s your special day.
Posted by Priscilla; updated 04/15/03
Thanks for the reponse Priscilla, I recall keeping my quince doll- but then again we did follow the traditions. And for my daughter I am wanting to following them. Is there anything else beside- the changing of the shoes, passing of the doll, and the father dance? I heard about a tea party and dancing with the doll but don`t know what significant symbolization they have... Does anyone?
Posted by yngrandma; updated 04/16/03