Fantasy Party, is an off broadway show from the producers of Tony`s and Tina`s Wedding. It the ultimate Girls night out packed with every girls sexy fantasy. Fantasy Party is an interactive comedy show AND an exciting Girls` Night Out all rolled into one incredible event! It`s like Tony n` Tina`s Wedding meets Sex and the City.
Location: At the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida.
Fantasy Party is looking for Male entertainers that have it all; good looks, talent, imagination and originality. Reliability, honesty, and a friendly, outgoing personality are a must. Our dancers are entertainers and not just there to take their clothes off. Each performer is selected for his or her unique improvisation, acting and performance ability. This can include all types of entertaining skills such as: Strong dance technique (hip-hop, jazz and free style), exotic male dancing, juggling, fire eating, acrobatics, contortion, balancing, singing etc…
Additionally the show is looking for:
• Female impersonators
• Female belly dancers
• Odd and Unique Specialty Acts
We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic performers who have that special blend of talent & creativity. If this appeals to you…you may be JUST who we’re looking for!
Do You Have What It Takes? Can you Dance?
- Warm and friendly personality?
- Must be at least 5`11 tall
- Must have great abs
- Must be drug-free
E-mail us the following...
-A recent shirtless photo
-Your height & weight
-City/state you live in
-Work Experience
-Telephone number(s)
For more information about the Show Look at the Show in NYC that is coming down here.... WWW.FANTASYPARTYNYC.COM
This is in or around Hollywood, FL at Seminole HardRock Hotel
Compensation: Open- Based on talent
Visit our page for more info: The Fantasy Party