Homecoming Mum Supplies, Mesquite Texas

I have heard of a store, I believe in Mesquite, that sells discounted mum supplies. I believe it is called The Save-Place, or something similar to that. Has anyone heard of it or other places to get the supplies to make a mum myself?
Posted by SachseMom; updated 09/24/06


It is called the Sale Place and you can find it by going to their web site http://www.weddingsuperstore.com . It is in Balch Springs.
Posted by DonnaTxBwana; updated 10/18/06


I saw an adver. On it the other day, missed part of it, and now cannot find it anywhere. It is in Mesquite~~something like the shop store. If anyone knows I sure would appreciate it, Thank you
Posted by Lisa; updated 10/09/07


This is where i buy all of my mum supplies . They have been here for over 20 years that i know of. They are in an old Safeway Store "HUGE " and have thousands of homecoming items . Their prices are very good also .
They are at the Elam `Rd, exit in Balch Springs.
TThe MumMaker
Posted by mummaker; updated 09/18/08


I own a flower shop and need homecoming mum supplies. Please send details re ordering and what options you have.
Posted by Mary Ann Ortiz; updated 08/02/11