Help With Cinderella Ideas

Does anybody have some ideas for cinderella decorations?? im having a cinderella themed quince and need some ideas for decorations
Posted by christy; updated 09/24/06


Theres alot of things you can do oo like da centerpeices you can put like carriages with a doll inside or somethin like dat u noe
Posted by janelle; updated 09/25/06


Hi Christy

I can definitely help you with Cinderella Decorations - I have done many for different events, but they are unique to each order, but you may see some examples at on the Cinderella page, but Email me as I have a lot of different images you may choose from and everything is hand painted to your details!

Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design

Posted by Connie; updated 09/26/06