Bar-Mitzvah Speech

Please e-mail me a bar-mitzvah speech for my husband or I to say at my sons bar-mitzvah.
Thank you.
Posted by elaine; updated 02/01/03


I need a speech for my husband and I to say do jointly for welcolming the guests at our son`s Barmitzvah
Posted by Beth; updated 02/12/03


Your Rabbi will help you, or you may contact any of the B`nay`berith women in your Temple. You and your husband should have been taking classes to get ready for this. Ask your Rabbi. He will help you.
Posted by Zahara; updated 03/01/03


I specialize in writing Parent speeches and Candlelighting Ceremonies for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. Please call or Email if I can be of assistance.
I am in California and work nationwide.

Eileen 818-727-7636

Visit our page for more info: Poems And Writing For All Occasions
Posted by eileen; updated 03/02/03


Need a fathers speech to his son at barmitzvah...son sporty and would like a humorous speech
Posted by danny; updated 04/22/04


I need a speech for my husband for welcolming the guests at our son`s Barmitzvah and to my son
Posted by alan; updated 08/20/04


We are having a Bat-Mitzvah this weekend and as the mother of the Bat-Mitzvah girl I need to write a speech. I would appreciate any help.
Posted by Ruth Liebowitz; updated 07/12/05


A, we are very proud of you. You did a terrific job and never once did we doubt you would. You had some great teachers - Rabbi F, Cantor S, and your Hebrew teacher Mrs. N were very patient and caring. They never doubted your success today either. They believed in you. Dad and I believe in you and we believe you will do great things in your life.

We believe you will live a moral life with righteousness and justice. We believe you will keep up your end of the bargain with the Rabbi and continue to grow and learn as a Jew. We believe you will use the lessons, prayers, and blessings that you studied and learned to help US with your brothers as they continue their education and their place in Jewish life. We believe in you because YOU believe in you. And that, my dear son, is a very good thing. Congratulations, we love you. Mazeltov.
Posted by Pat; updated 07/12/05


Mazel Tov. If you feel that you desire anything more personal or specific than that which was suggested above, feel free to contact me. I will be more than happy to help you. This is my business and I love it.
Posted by Arlene; updated 07/14/05


Please send me a Bat Mitzvah thank you speech to give for my daughter`s service
Posted by arlene james; updated 01/02/06


I write speeches and personalized poems for just these occasions. My fee is very reasonable.

Please email me at if you would like help

Posted by pam; updated 02/10/06


NO NEED TO STRESS !! For more information on how I will write you a heartfelt and completely unique and Personalized Bar/Bat Mitzvah speech, parent`s Bima speech, your candlelighting ceremony, or a toast or a roast, please visit If you prefer, you may write to me personally:
Not everyone is a writer!! WHY ST RESS? This is one burden I can absolutely relieve you of and you will be very happy.
Posted by Arlene; updated 02/13/06


A speech for is required for the father of the barmitvah boy
Posted by jon green; updated 06/03/07


Please Help me witha Bat Mitzvah speech to our Daugther on behalf of myself and my husband. I will be the one saying the speech. I will give you lots of details when I hear from you. Thank you.
Posted by Marge; updated 07/18/07


My daughter is having her Bat Mitzvah on January 5, 2008.

I need a speech for the temple ceremony as well as a second speech for the party after the temple
Posted by steve; updated 12/03/07


I need help with a speech for my friends bat-mizvah! Should be a little humourous and pretty short.
Posted by Emily; updated 04/06/08


Can you please e-mail a sample bat mitzvah speech for daughter from mom & dad.

Posted by adam; updated 09/01/08


My sons bar mizvah speech was a major issue for me until I got in touch with a website which wrote a beautiful meaningful personalised speech for me. Since then some of my friends have used them for wedding, bat mizvah and engagement speeches. It was a great find and I highly recommend them
Posted by Clare Rubin; updated 06/02/10