AfterHours Will Not Admit Mistakes

I am a freshman in college, and rented a tuxedo from my local Afterhours store for my senior prom of high school last April. I rented it under a program in which I was to receive a 10% rebate for each guy I referred to the store. They were to present a number which was coded to my name, which would give me my discount. I referred 5 guys but corporate only got one name and refused to give me a 10% rebate. I knew I had referred five, entitling me to a 50% rebate, or $56.80. The local store manager was very kind and was able to confrm at her store that I referred five people but had not received credit. She apologized that one of her employees had not recorded my number, but after talking with corporate she said they would not allow her to give me a rebate. I asked for the person with whom she spoke and contacted her. After over three months of trying to get my rebate back and hassling the corporate people I was finally offered a $40 cash rebate (after I refused an initial $40 gift certificate). It comes down to the fact that AfterHours corporate has no concern for their continued relationships with customers and is unwilling to budge on any money-saving policy (they originally told me for months they couldn`t substantiate my claim because I didn`t have the paperwork) even if one of their store managers is telling them a mistake was made. This company has no business integrity, and I am posting on here as I promised them I would in the case I did not receive my full rebate.
For those of you who are interested, I originally called the Atlanta numbers and also found out the following: the Director of Customer Relations is Gina Marinucci, she can be reached at I would recommend bypassing their archaic phone system and emailing her directly, it is a much less arduous process, even if the results are unsatisfactory. The district manager for middle TN and some of the surrounding area (I don`t know how large their districts are) is named Oscar Gillespie.
Posted by Micah Sledge; updated 08/31/06