To Go Or Not To Go

I am indecisive about attending the wedding of an acquaintance. I rarely see her on a social level; maybe once in the last two years. At one time, albeit a brief time, she was someone that I hung out with when we both did the whole bar/ "going out" scene. She was also partly responsible for introducing me to my boyfriend. I feel torn because she is not someone that I confide in or talk to on a regular basis. I don`t even know if I would invite her to my own wedding! I just don`t want to burn bridges. It would be a no brainer if I was not invited to so many other weddings in the next few months...meaning, I would probably go just because I was invited and the aforementioned but in light of the many wedding this year (8 total)...... So.......any ideas on what I should do? I need to RSVP real soon :)
Posted by Confused; updated 08/14/06