Inexpensive Photographer Needed For My Wedding!

Hello to all I`ve been looking for a wedding photographer for the past two weeks but they are all to expensive for my budget with very little hours to work with. I need a photographer for at least 7-8 hours or so for my wedding at a very low price. It`ll be November 11, 2006 in the Orange County area. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Posted by Gio; updated 08/11/06


Is that Orange County, California?
Posted by dlrjake; updated 08/15/06


Hi Gio,


I would love the opportunity to capture your wedding memories. I am a full time professional photographer and based in Dallas, Texas and Orange County, CA. My style is photojournalism and my background is graphics art. I combine both photojournalism style and graphics art skills to produce vibrant and gorgeous images, using digital processing.

I`ve attached this links to show examples of my most recent wedding coverages in Orange County and San Diego. Http://www.ea*** Http://www.e****

If you decide to book me, please let me know what your needs are (i.e. Albums, DVD slide show, etc.). My fees are reasonable and I am flexible and willing to cater to your needs.

I will need to have a retainer fee in the amount of $300 to hold the date and we can discuss details of the balance due later.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. You will not be disappointed to go with me. Good luck and Congratulations!

Posted by QC; updated 09/08/06


Hello to all and thank you for responding to this message board. I did find a photographer that was inexpensive but I wanted to come back and tell everyone that I will no longer need a photographer. Thanks again to everyone who replied and have a nice day!
Posted by Gio; updated 09/08/06