Need Teen Sleepover Birthday Party Games


I am having my Sleepover Birthday party in 2 weeks from now and I can not find very many games to play that go with the theme "sleepovers" It is going to be with about 8-10 girls only!! We are alll around the age of 12-13!!! I am looking for fun games that you can play with prizes, no boardgames!!!! Please anyone who has an idea please write back!!!

Posted by Becca; updated 08/09/06


Okay...I`ve been reading tons of message boards and have found a fair few games.
Here they all are, some have explanations, others speak for themselves.

• Picture scavenger hunt – everyone brings a camera and is told to look for a certain number of things – (a newly married couple, etc.) at least 2 people must be in the photo from your group.
• Truth or Dare - write one truth and one dare on a piece of paper, put them in 2 different buckets. Pick out of the buckets and do the dare/truth.
• Nail polish. Put heaps of different colour nail polishes in the middle. Around 10-15.
• Get a digital camera and put it on self timer. Then get everyone posing and pass it around the circle really fast, whoever it takes a photo of won’t be ready. YOU CAN’T LOOK AT THE TIMER!! Then print out the photos and give them in giftbags or use them as blackmail.
• Garbage Bag Parcel. Get a garbage bag and fill it with heaps of clothes (undies, ugly shawls, etc.) Play music and when it stops the person holding it has to grab something from the bag, NO LOOKING, and wear it for the rest of the game. Take pictures!
• Normal truth or dare
• Do you need it? Get everyone to put a blanket over their heads. Then each time the music stops, they have to take off something they don’t need. See how long it takes them to realise they don’t need the blanket.
• What If? Give each person a piece of paper and get them to write anything on one side but it has to start with What If. Ie: ‘What if you were allergic to chocolate?’ Then you pass the paper to another person so everyone has a different piece of paper. Without looking at what the other person said, write the answer to your ‘What If’ question on the back of the paper. Then everyone reads it aloud. Heaps of fun.
• Prank calls/ Pranks
Posted by Mads; updated 06/21/08