Sleepover Ideas Pleez????

OK so I`m having a sleepover tomorrow with 3 people and I have no ideas on what to do!!!! We like to do games a lot. So any game ideas?
Posted by hElP!!!!; updated 08/02/06


I`ve got some ideas 4 u but need 2 know the age group!
Please let me know and I will help!
Posted by June; updated 08/02/06


12-15! Thank you!!!!
Posted by hElP!!!!; updated 08/02/06


You could listen to music, make up some fun dances! You could also do a scavenger hunt around your neighborhood, night or day! Yall could get into pairs and do makovers or manicures and pedicures or do eachother`s hair! Yall could play BS (card game) or watch movies! You could go online to and click on family fued and click play free and do that for an hour! Or click other games!
Hope this helps!
Posted by June; updated 08/03/06