Bar Mitzvah

Has anyone done an NHL (Flyers) theme. I would like to have replica stanley cups as my Center pieces or larger size Zamboni`s that I could put balloons on and a picture of my son on the actual Wachovia Center Zamboni on?
Posted by lisa; updated 08/01/06


Hi Lisa,

I can paint a Stanley Cup or a Zambonie onto Hurricane shades and have them personalized as you would like - team logo`s, etc.

For favors I could do the pub glasses ( 3.00 each) done in the Flyers logo and personalized however you would like.

You may see some of the sports themes I have done on my web page - there is a sports theme page.

Also the glass blocks done up in a Flyers theme would be neat as they look like ice.

Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design

Posted by Connie; updated 08/01/06