Help!! I Need Ideas For My 14th

I`m having my 14th birthday on september 16th, but i can`t have a party on the exact weekend(since my mom & dad r makin me go to some dumb wedding that i don`t know nebody). I kno that it`z a looonng ways away, but i don`t want it to end up like my party last year, where only like 8 ppl came(including family) and it was bowling. I`m like a cross inbetween a goth, prep, geek, wierdo, and just about everythang else.... I was hoping to have a sleepover with movies, makeup, games, and i was hoping to invite around 10 gurlz, but only a few kno each other. THNX 4 HELPIN
Posted by Amanda; updated 07/26/06


Nebody out thar?
Posted by Amanda; updated 07/28/06