Wanted Reem Acra - Wedding Falling Apart

My wedding is quickly falling apart. The location has changed (I`m still working on the location), the size has changed and my budget is almost nonexistant! We are supposed to get married in October of this year. Because of a family illness we are giving the money we were going to spend on the wedding to our parents. The only thing I would really like (besides marrying the man of my dreams) is to feel beautiful on that day. I would love to still wear a Reem Acra dress. I felt like a princess when I tried one on for the first time. If anyone out there would love their size 10 or 8 Reem Acra dress to make another brides day, please consider me.
Posted by Allison; updated 07/19/06


Hi Allison,
If you are still looking for a gown, I have a sample Reem Acra "Radiant" or "Radiance" (I am not sure which name is correct) in a size 10. If you are interested, please send me an e-mail at wedding1kr@yahoo.com. I have decided to wear another dress and would sell you this one at my cost plus the cost to ship it to you. It is in very good condition and has not been worn in a wedding but would need spot cleaning (some marks at hem from being tried on) and would need a few beads replaced. It has not yet had a bustle put in. It is a ballgown style with a beautifully beaded bodice and edge of the shoulder beaded straps (I think it is called a portrait neckline) and has its Reem Acra tag. It has a dropped waist, box pleats, and a chapel train.
Posted by Christie; updated 08/07/06


I have a Reem Acra size 8 Impression for sale, let me know if you`re interested.
Posted by nycc; updated 08/11/06