Invitation Envelope Printing
I am trying to find someone or company to print all the addresses on my invitation envelopes in my area. I am from Madison, WI. Does anyone know where I can send or take my envelopes to be professionally printed?? My invites need to go out in about 3 or 4 weeks, so get back to me as soon as you can!! Any information would help!! Thanks!!
Posted by Melissa; updated 07/18/06
Melissa, Do you have a printer with your computer? If so you can print the addresses using your printer, and save more money. Let me know what kind of printer it is and what type of program you are using, I can walk you through if it helps.
Posted by martin; updated 07/20/06
If you have a printer or know someone who does, print them yourself and save money. If someone else prints them for you, you could pay them. If not, have someone type up labels and slap them on. That is so common.
Posted by Melissa; updated 07/28/06