I Need Party Ideas Fo My 14th B-Day, A.S.A.P

I sorda need help finding ideas for my 14th Birthday Party. I dont want any thing too fancy or too plain. I like places like "The RainForest Cafe", Lasor Quest (((Cuz its a blast ))) and stuff similar to Fiddle Sticks. PLZ SND ME A REPLY IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS, THANX
Posted by cute fo u; updated 07/14/06


Well i think you should have like a little girls day.. Like invite some close friends and go to the spa and hang out with each other then you guys could all go out to eat at the rain forest cafe (but have them pay for you since it`s your bday) (haha jk) but yeah that`s it.. If you need anymore help feel free to email me.. Oh and if you could view my message and help me out that would be totally great (it`s title i really do need help!! it`s for my sister!!) thanx
Posted by Brianna; updated 07/14/06


Thanks but i still dont good idea of what to do. Now i sorda got the idea of Great Skate, Lazor Tag,or Fiddle Sticks. I looked at the prices for all of them and my mouth dropped....lol the prices were nuts!!!! If Ihave to chip in for my party (in money) i want it to be worth it. ??? HELP???
Posted by cute fo u; updated 07/15/06


I think you should go to the rain forest cafe the do something a little bit active in stead of sitting around for my 14th b-day we went to race way to fun and then ruby tuesdays
Posted by nicole; updated 07/16/06


I have a question for you do you live in minnesota cauze thats where rain forest cafe is and you could go to the park of moa
Posted by nicole; updated 07/16/06


No I live in Arizona, how about you?
Posted by cute fo u; updated 07/16/06


Sure if u help me I`ll help u. I think that you should have a pool party like go to the pool for a couple of hours then have pizza or whatever then go bowling or something. After that you can go back to your place and hang out and have a sleepover and do girly stuff like your hair and nails or even play games!!
Posted by Bethany; updated 07/17/06


Like i said i need more ideas we already sent out the invites and were staying at my house were having hot dogs and hambergers and its a pool party we just need to think of games i own a pool Please help!!!!!
Posted by nicole; updated 07/18/06


Well some fun pool games are, Volleyball, Chicken, Colors ((( well never mind that Colors game thats really boring )))) Ummmm.....idk wut else?!?!?!? and a fun out-of-the pool game is Orange. Let me know if u need any more help
Luv ya Lots,
Cute Fo U
Posted by cute fo u; updated 07/18/06


Hey. Well a party that is a BLAST is a blackout party.
You need to rent out like a club house, or you can have it in a basement, somewhere where no cunlight will come in. Then you get a bunch of blacklights and set them up everywhere. On your invite tell your guests to come in neon or white clothes. Get neon ballons to decorate. And you can either hire a dj, or just set up a stereo system on full blast.
So your guests can dance while glowing under the blacklights. This party was a HUGE hit when i had it.
Hope your 14th is a blast!
Posted by Britney; updated 08/24/07


Hi! My name is abi and its my 14th in december!
Im not sure what im doing yet but i can help you with ideas!
Last year I had a spa party. A beautician came round and did airbrush makeup, pedicure and manicure on me and my 11friends!
We ate buffet food and drunk bucks fizz! it was great!

I have also had a party which was just a meal out in tgi fridays and then a sleepover which was really good!!

Write back!

Posted by Abigail; updated 10/06/07