My Birthday

Hi my name is Ashley and my birthday is September 24.Well i`m having a party i call my Fancy Fourteen,i want it to be a party no one will forget.Its gonna be a dance party--i rented the Magnolia Creek Wedding Hall for it and its gonna be a formal occasion.I have a beautiful dress.The plans are to pass out the inwites and lots of people show up,but i`m afraid people wont show up--we spent over 15 thousand dollars on decorations and food and my dress cost a lott.No one cam to my party last year because they think i am a rich brat but thats not true i get what i want but i`m not a brat like they say.Anyway this year i want people to come and it be the party of the year like it was when i turned 12.I want people to come and dance the night away but i want it to be more than just dancing please help me.
Posted by Ashley; updated 07/13/06


WOW dont u think youre speading a bit much for your party? I mean come on Im turning 14 too but I dont get to just blow 15 thousand dollarzzzzzzzz on decorations!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn`t even spend that on the whole party!!!?!?!?!?!! Girl I think u need too lay-off on the money....NO OFFENCE or anything. I guess Im just not the advice your looking for, sorry!!! I just have no advice except for that you are blowin toooo much money...... O well its your loss!!!?!?!?!?! c ya.
Posted by cute fo u; updated 07/15/06


Well. Okay i no that every1 is like dayum girrl ur freakin rich ass brat. But froget that. I go to a school with a lot of rich girls and i ve learned to deal with them. Look just dont go going around saying hey come to my 15 thousand dollar party. Be like, hey im having a party i hope youll come itll be pretty big and ill hope well all have fun...u know. Be down to earth and let them no that its big without bragging about it. I hope this is okay advice.
Posted by Karla; updated 07/24/06


Ya totalle i think u shoold go wit Karla on dat, dat would prob b de best ting 2oo doo. Right on karla, gurl u r right bout dat. Lol
Posted by cute fo u; updated 07/24/06


I think that`z way too much for a 14th, especially when u don`t think nebody`s gonna come.... But neways, when you talk to the ppl u want to come, don`t just bring it up gradually, then they`ll think that they`rez a catch, just come right out with it, say `hey, i`d really love for you to come to my 14th birthday party. It`z gonna be on the ____ it starts at ____ p.m. I really hope you could make it!!` just basically say what the invite will say. If they sound interested, give them the invitation, it`ll remind them of the time and date and tell em where it`s at. And then just to make sure that you`ll have ppl come, don`t like talk about the location unless somebody asks. Hope that i helped, and not sound snotty doing it
Posted by Amanda; updated 07/26/06