Wedding Sponsors Please

We need help making a wedding for my deaf daughter. Please help with flowers, band, photographer.
Posted by Jeri; updated 07/12/06


Are you kidding me? I`m not trying to sound rude or anything, but just because your daughter is deaf doesn`t mean that you can get people to "sponsor" a wedding for her. I mean, seriously....That`s like me saying...Help me pay for my wedding because I have a kid. LOL I just don`t think you`re going to have very much luck. Good luck, though, but I think you`re going to end up paying just like the rest of us have to.
Posted by Tracie; updated 07/12/06


In response to the person who made the comments regarding my deaf daughter`s wedding, there are people out there who have good hearts and feelings for people less fortunate than them. You will be surprised as to how many people have opened their hearts and are going to contribute their services for my daughter`s wedding. Do you think we are the kind of people who would just take from someone without showing our respect and appreciation? My daughter has contributed and volunteered many, many years of support to a deaf organization helping many, many people who have lost their hearing later in life due to illnesses, etc..She has travelled around the globe, even though very ill herself and many times almost on her death-bed, she made sure she was there for someone, strangers, to help them get through the devastation of losing their hearing. She still does this and you know what, all the presents that she receives from her wedding is going to charity. The vendors who have volunteered to help contribute their services, will be written up and publicized world wide to get exposure. My daughter is giving a donation in their honor. So, nothing is being taken for-granted. Maybe I should have explained it more in detail so you would not have gotten the wrong idea. You never know when you may be in need one day. This is all being done for a very good cause. Even her gown was purchased and the entire cost is going to a children`s charity. So, next time, be careful what you say before you know all the details. Good luck to you too and I hope one day you can make your child a beautiful wedding.
Posted by Jeri; updated 07/13/06


Well, I`m not the most fortunate either. We are struggling to make our wedding day happen. We don`t ask for charity. And how is it by being deaf, that makes your daughter sick? I just don`t see it. I`m not heartless nor any of the other words you used. It just appears that you`re using people to get a free wedding for your daughter.
Posted by Tracie; updated 07/13/06


In answer to your question, how is being deaf, being sick? Sometimes, people lose their hearing from an illness. It`s too bad you don`t see anything but selfishness in the email I had sent regarding charity and that the letter was directed at you as being a heartless person. After a very informative letter stating that we are donating to charity, you read it as taking money from others to get a free wedding. On the contrary, we are paying over $30,000 out of our own pocket to pay for the wedding. As part of her wedding, vendors come and give their services at a discount and partial payment goes to charity. Why is it so difficult for you to grasp this? Why do you see only dollar signs and not the underlying factor of helping others that are not as fortunate as others health-wise?
And yes, people are ill, people suffer from sickness and yes they lose their hearing. You can lose your hearing from an auto-immune disease, from certain anti-biotics, from a disease called NFS. Since you have the time invested in reading the message board on, why don`t you search the internet and look up diseases that cause hearing loss.
Posted by Jeri; updated 07/13/06


In response, you stated, "there are people out there who have good hearts and feelings for people less fortunate than them." Kind of like you were insinuating that I am heartless. And it doesn`t matter what you say. It just seems as though you`re trying to get a free ride.
Posted by Tracie; updated 07/14/06


Please tell me where you are located because I can probably help you along with some other vendors

Visit our page for more info: Khoulouds Beauty

Posted by Kacey; updated 07/14/06


Thank you so much for telling us about your beauty services. I checked out your website and you do beautiful work. Unfortunately, we are located in northern New Jersey, so we are quite a distance away. Thank you again for responding and we will pass on your services to people we know in your area. Take care and be well.
Posted by Jeri; updated 07/14/06