2 Dad`s So Who Do I Share My Daddy Dance W/?

OK here`s the thing my real dad left me and my mom when i was 2 and then he called me when i turned 13 and i`m 15 now ( he lives in Colorado) and we have gotten kinda close since then! BUT THEN MY OTHER DAD he was w/ me and my mom and my sister since i was 7 and has given me everything i have and I love and i just don`t wanna make anyone unhappy! MY dad that lives in COLORADO he has AIDS and his cells are not active but could be at any min. And that kinda interferes w/ my choise so some one help my Quince is in 1 week and 5 days!
Thanks I would really appriciate it!
Posted by ~PrPl~; updated 07/03/06