Help Me

Hey can someone help me with my quincenera. I do not know what to do, in what to start or what. I need some good advice. My quincenera is going to be in April 2007. Can someone please help me
Posted by Karla De La O; updated 06/28/06


Hey que onda well anywaz im ganna have mis quince in september 2006 i think u should start on getting your chambelanes y tus damas primero you should start your practices 3to4 months B4 ur 15 if you need a list of what u need and what songs para tu valz or ur especial just let mi know as sooon as you can or u can just Email mi at
Posted by esme; updated 07/11/06


Posted by Mika; updated 07/11/06


Hello Karla... Well your doing o.k. With time, but don`t be fooled sooner than you know it your cotillion will be around the corner.... Well first of all you need to find the hall, and the church.... Music.... Video & Photography.... Speak to you chambelanes and damas about the resposability they have upon them... To come to practice all the time, or as much as possible... Girls need to buy dresses, and do their hair accessories, shoes.... Guys need to rent a tux, and so on... Let them know all this just in case they don`t know what they are getting themselves into.... Para que los tengas seguros... Start doing or buying the centerpieces for the tables, and make sure you know how many tables you are getting so that you won`t make that many that you might not need.... Choose a dress, and your shoes, and once you go to a place where to get you dress they will surely ask you what else you need as far as copas, album de firmas, cojines, pala y cuchillo, etc... Trust me they will help you out.... You`re not alone at this, but you must start today, otherwise later it will even be more stress, and more money.... I am a choreographer and you don`t need to start practice so much in advance honey, tops two months... That`s how I do it.... 8 practices at the practice place, the hall rehearsal, and the day of the party, in case they need additional poractice because I see them having trouble I will practice extra days.... Oh yeah and everything is 1 once a week, TRUST ME that`s just what you need.... Are you doing the dances on your own, or do you have a choreographer? Where do you live? Make sure that everyone attends the hall rehearsal.... If you need more info, let me know and post me a message directly, and I will help you no problem... Take care & hopefully everything comes out as planned....
Posted by Perla; updated 07/12/06


Perla, could you please email me, i have some questions for you about the Quinceanera. My email is Thank you Sandy
Posted by sandy; updated 07/12/06