How To Do A Quinceanera
Hi everyone I would like for you guys to please help me pick a theme for my quinceneanera. My birthday is on January 31 04. Also any ideas for centerpieces will be good. I am a very undecisive person. I never no what to pick. I am also wonderin if it would better 2 have proffesional dancers dance with me or have damas and chamberlanes from my closest driends? I was also wonderin if u guys new of any groups or bands we could contact. Ur reply will be really appreciated. It would be better if u could please reply 2 me in spanish if u no how so i dont have 2 translate to my mom. PLZ i need help.
Posted by MariaG.; updated 01/15/03
En mi opinion yo creo que sera mas combeniente si tienes damas. Porque asi seran tus amigas y te la pasaras mejor. Si tu quieres puedes tener los dos bailarines profesionales para el baile sorpresa.
Posted by Connie; updated 01/17/03
For my daughter`s party we had the court of honor do the dances...we practiced alot and laughed at the beggining because it was not really the dances the kids were accoustomed to do...but at the very end the rehearsals turned out to be worth while because the party turned out beautifully....we did have one person that danced to the song "You can dance" by Lyann Womack....she wasn`t a professional but it turned out to be beautiful....everyone was very impressed by all whole event...I hope yours turns out just as beautiful...
Posted by Sory; updated 01/19/03