If a quinceanera gown is white with black trim can the damas gowns be black. My spanish relatives say that it is unheard of for the damas to wear black. It should be a more cheerful color. However, I like the way the black gown compliment my gown.
Posted by Carol; updated 06/25/06
Hey carol wats up ne wayz well dats nice dat ur havin a black w/ white gown my friend is also havin dat! ne wayz i think u should hav the damas n a white dresses cause if they hav blak dresses then it would lik a funeral which is not its ur b-day!g2g
Posted by *Wendy*; updated 06/26/06
You should be the only one in white. You are the focus of attention and you are the center of attention. Your girls should be in colors and if you decide that it is black and white, then put them in a black gown with white trim, they have beautiful gowns that are like that. I can send you pictures of them. It would look very elegant and not like a funeral.
Posted by Marian; updated 06/26/06