Baile Sorpresa!!

Hey guys well im havin my sweet 15 pretty soon and i like dancing reggeton so i heard dis song its called "mas maize" i think its really nice to make a baile sorpresa but like people r so picky they might think mas maize is somethin bad! Is it somethin bad?????HELP!!!
Posted by *Wendy*; updated 06/22/06


Hey wad up gurl ne way$ uh i think that would b a great song it aint nothin bad.r u havin only one baile sorpresa? u should hav a mix! W/B/A/S/A/P!!
Posted by y!anDa; updated 06/23/06


Hey YOLANDA! wad up! ne ways uh nah im gion 2 have a durangense but i dont hav idea n which 1 ! iwant a fast 1 im gion 2 dance it w/ my chambelanes.
Posted by *Wendy*; updated 06/23/06


Hey well i think u should do 1 from alacranes or montez they got fast ones! icant remeber any others ill T.T.L
Posted by yOlanda; updated 06/26/06