I Really Need Sum Ideas!?

Hey who ever reads dis out there well i really need 2 get sum ideas 4 my quince n i could sure use some tips or if there is no prob. If u have had ur quince n u have pics can i c sum of dem well hopefully u guys can help me.?

(P.S. U can e-mail me 2 pinkbub02@yahoo.com)
Posted by Ruby; updated 06/21/06


Hey waz up ya i havent had my 15 yet pero muy pronto i am ya wat do u need help on do you have a theme yet i do my theme is durangense and my chambelanes are dressing as baceros it looks hella nice ummmmm..... Hey ya if u need any help just email mi at loca_parasiempre91@yahoo.com ican prop. Send u some pix de my sisters 15 they are nice just email mi ok.
Luv. Esme A.K.A loca
Posted by esme; updated 07/13/06


Hey Ruby, you should have a theme that goes nice with your name. Like the Wizard of Oz. You can find some really nice Ruby slippers, your favors can be the cinderella slippers with red rhinestones on them and filled with chocolates and you can get some nice decorations from Stumps Prom. They have all themes. You can have the dance floor look like the yellow brick road (there are places that rent dance floors) I have a picture of a cake. Think about it.
Posted by Yanis; updated 07/15/06