Daisy Days offers a wide selection of elegant and affordable wedding favors to fit the style and theme of your wedding. To view our selection, go to www.daisy-days.com/theme.html
Some of the themes we offer include:
1) Beach / Tropical Themed Favors
2) Asian Themed Favors
3) Fall / Autumn Themed Favors
4) Winter / Christmas Favors
5) Daisy Wedding Favors
6) Butterfly Wedding Favors
7) Calla Lily Favors
8) Celtic or Irish Favors
9) "Perfect Pair" Pear Favors
10) Country Western Wedding Favors
11) Fairtyale / Cinderella Favors
12) Chocolate Brown & Pink Favors
Visit Daisy Days to view our selection today!
Visit our page for more info: Daisy Days