Im having a Quinceanera in November 2006! and i want a cadet group to perform at my XV..and i know A LOT of them are located in Texas... Now the problem is tht i live in Phoenix Arizona. I have heard from a few cadets that their group travels and that they would but i am not sure if that is true. So does anyone know which groups travel? I have heard tht the dream team travels far...but I have seen pictures and it looks like they have little kids in their crew!!! no offense but i dont want little kid cadets... I also heard from a cadet that Latin illusion traveled and that they would travel to AZ...i hope so cuz they are one of my favorties so far!!! they are HOT...
Posted by Laura; updated 05/26/06


WELL latin illusion is good i guess..... But Another group you should check out and i garentee you will like is the latin boys of fort worth or the latin boys of dallas they both are soo bad ass. I`ve seen them perform at IV anos and at compatitions and i garentee if you do get them you will be saticfied. I should know i am really close to the group because im dating the captian of the latin boys of fort woth. So if you want to know anything just hit me up at!!!!!! I hope youe IV anos tuns out great.
Posted by mixblood; updated 06/07/06


Famous Creations is krunker!!! go Tell ur lil boyfriend that and his weak ass krew!!!!
Posted by ..............; updated 06/11/06