David`s Bridal

I went into David`s Bridal to find a wedding dress that I had seen online. I made an appointment to try on the dress to see if I liked it and I did. The lady that was helping me that day was great. The lady that was helping me told me if I want to come back and finish paying for the dress at a later time I could place the dress on layaway and once I pay off my balance that they would tranfer it to a new dress that they would have to order. When I went to pay for the dress the cashier to the helper to go to the back and get the dress. The helper came back up with the dress that EVERYONE HAD TRIED ON and the lady said here your dress. I told her what the lady had say that helped me at the time of my purchase. The lady got a real NASTY attutiude. Me been me I got one too. The alternation manager came over and asked what was wrong, I told her and she walked over to another lady and say, " SHE IS ACTING LIKE A REAL NI#$A." I told the manager of the store what I had heard and NOTHING was done about the situation. I even called the head office. Now what kind of service is this for a national store have.
Posted by Tifiah; updated 04/29/06