
Hi i am 14 my 15th birthday is coming up in 7months really soon so if anyone has any ideas i can borrow please e-mail me i would like that very much
Posted by lisa; updated 12/30/02


Hi my name is Angela I`m gonna have a quinceanera on 1/3/04 it`z hard to plan but if you tell me wut u like i can help you like i`m gonna have precious moments for my theme baby blue and white for my colors my guyz are gonna where zoot suits it`s gonna be crunk do you already have all of ur court i`m gonna send out permission forms that have all the details to the parents so that way i know 4 shur if there gonna be in it. Oh and i have a gift list goin at http://www.organizedregistry.com/otheruses.php wanna look at mine it`z Angela Garza Password Angela ok thats about it bye...
Posted by Angela; updated 01/02/03