Ohio Weddings On A Budget!!!

Why spend over 10,000 on a wedding when(well it depends u know,ive actually seen beautiful small weddings for under 200 dollars and i think spending up to 10,000 you can have a beautiful wedding..beyond that unless your family doesnt mind paying for it over 10 grand is to much!!!I live in ohio and do you know that there are castles...thats right castles that you can rent for 250.00-3000.00 the 3000 you get the whole thing for the weekend.. Also the newport aquarium you can rent for 4 hours and get it to yourself for 2500.00 so ... You can also purchase beautiful gowns for less the 1000.00 off the rack!! there are great places and wedding chapels for small weddings.. I suggest no more than 5000.00 be spent on a wedding and reception and take your honey moon with the other 5 or better yet save it for a home or children or what ever you desire u will be happy with the decision later on!!!
Posted by Shawna; updated 04/27/06