Help Pregnant And Need Ahelp
I am new at this but i found a website that i hope can help!
I am 21 and my fiance is 24 we just found out that u i am almost 4 months pregnant. And we talked about it and decided that it was for the best to get married, well the wedding is almost a month away and he has mixed feelings because someone called him from a private number the other day and siad that i told thim i got pregnant on prupose just so we would get married! I love him very much and i have NEVER cheated on him or nothin like that and i would NEVER do somethin like that i mean dont get me wrong babies are wonderfull but i would NEVER do somethin that childish! Someone please help!! Thanks!
Posted by Christina; updated 04/19/06
What exactly do you need help with? He should know YOU. No one should be able to tell him anything about you if his love is strong. Does he believe this person? Did he question you about this? If you both know that you are 4 months pregnant and a doctor confirmed it, then there should be no question. You both should have gone to counseling and maybe you still need to go for a few weeks. You both need to talk this over. If he listens to someone else, then your marriage doesn`t have a chance. Please talk to him about getting counseling and communicate with each other about this.
Posted by Mika; updated 04/19/06
Honey thinks things over u are getting married because u are pregnant belive me you should wait a baby is not a reason to marry and if he has mix feelings now wait and live together with the baby first and when u see that both of u are ready for a commit ment then get married people get married because they love each other not because they are having babies belive me wait a divorce is much more painfull than giving birth good luck
Posted by ivette; updated 04/27/06
Well 1st of all he should know how u r n if he really believed in u n loved u he should have not belived the person that called him from that private #. U need 2 have a decent talk w/him n if he does trusts u n wants 2 be w/u n the baby,he should be able 2 understand.hopefully everything will work out 4 u, good luck take care bye!
Posted by janette; updated 05/14/06