Replica Maggie Dress 4 Sale
I have a replica maggie celine dress that i am wearing for my wedding on 4-22-06. It`s is diamond white size 20,street size 14-16. It has a corset back so the size can go up or down. It has been hemmed for me, i am 5`6`` wearing 1 1/2 inch heels and a very full crinoline underneath. It looks exactly like the maggie dress but the back has a line of crystals going down each side of the corset and down the train. I also had off the shoulder straps added. I also had a 3 tie bustle added to the inside of the dress. The maggie dress retails from $800-$1000. I am looking to sell mine at a fraction of the cost! anyone interested email me at i will have pics to email after the wedding! this dress is georgous and i feel like a princess every time i put it on!
Posted by brandi; updated 04/16/06