Should I Have A Quincenera

Hey everybody in my family wants me to have a quince. I want one but i really don`t want to dance. I would have it but i just don`t want to have one. I`m almost 14 should i have a quincenera? I really need advice.
Posted by ver; updated 04/12/06


Yeah,I had trouble with that to.I accually wanted a sweet 16 not a quince but my mom kind of pressured me to do it,but I`m in the middle of planning it so hopefuly it goes well because i still need dama`s and chambelanes and you know how that goes-some just never show up or they jus dont want to do it any more...but just do what you want to do-I thought about my choice and Im glad that my mom told me to do it because you only turn 15 ONCE in your LIFE and I love to be a latina and enjoy my tradition.Follow your heart..
Posted by Faby; updated 04/12/06


Hi my name is erica and yes u should have one becuase t is a once in a lifetime thing.and u dont hav to dance u can hav ur cuzins blow out candles 4 u o something
Hope that helped
Posted by erica; updated 04/13/06


Hey girl. Thats funny cuz i had the same trouble. Well i think you should have one cuz its fun. You get to kik it with all your friends and family. And its fun to plan all the things and well you just go wit it. Hope that helped
Posted by Elizabeth; updated 04/18/06


Hey see i`m kind of in the same stituation i am turning 14 in may and my parents want to do my sweet 15 and i do too see when i was younger i did not want to but now i do because i love dancing and i want to be known and i know that when i grow up i will be arrepentida y hubiera queridoi hacer mi sweet 15 so yo no me quiero arrepentir es unica esa fiesta solo pasa una vez dasle el gusto a tus papas de querer ver a su hija entre toda la gente diciendo miran mi hija ya a crecido ellos te quieren y te quieren hacer una gran fiesta approvechalo no todos los padres les hacen fiestas a sus hijas.
Posted by angelica; updated 04/19/06