Dama Dress Colors

Hey. Im going to be wearing a white gown with the color of my dama dresses in it and i dont know what color i want them to be. My party is going to be in October and im going to have white and black tuxedos. Im thinkin of red, pink or blue. What color do u guys think is good?
Posted by Grace; updated 04/08/06


Posted by gabriella; updated 04/09/06


Hi grace my name is ROMINA
But my quince is gonna be i june and i`m thinking my damas dresses are going to be hot pink
-not because everyone loves pink eventhough its so last year in my opoinion
But becasue hot pink look great on any skin complection
Its like red it makes everyone look firey and sexy apart from that it is a very younique color not many people have chosen that color yet they go like for the colors u said not saying that anything is wrong with that but i would suggest it becasue its out off the ordinary
Posted by ROMINA; updated 04/09/06


P I N K ! ! ! ! !
Posted by Stephanie; updated 05/30/06


Grace if your party is October go with white, gold and Black! Autum colors so your decorations will blend in too!
Posted by Sylvia; updated 05/30/06


Hey chika
What i think the coloru should get is a high pink because if u choose red it might look like a wedding and if u choose pink or blue it might look like a baby shower.
Posted by la chika; updated 02/06/07