I Dont Know If I Still Could Have A Quinceanrea?
Hey everyone i need sme help! im 12 (y)old and live with my dad in Pasco,Washinton. (tri-cities) i want a quinceanera but aint baptised and i was wondering if i still could have a quinceanera. I already talked 2 both of my parents and my mom said yes but i 1st needed 2 get baptised and my dad said no just because he`s toooooooo embarrsed 2 get in 4ront of the church w/me? wat kind of father is dat, know dats dumb............
If my dad really luved me then he wuld make me a quinceanera dont u think, well i do!!(jk) i need everyones opinion A.S.A.P, please write back on here PLEZ!!! well i wish GOOD LUCK 2 MY CUZN` YESSENIA COVARRUBIAS WHO IS GOING 2 HAVE HER QUINCE THIS AUGUST, HUH CUZ ITS GOONA OFF DA HOOK U KNOW!!?!!! well i also wanted 2 wish good luck 2 the rest of the quinceaneras out there who r lucky enough 2 have 1!!!! wirte back THANX`
Posted by Bertha; updated 04/04/06
It doesnt matter. U dont have to be baptized. But u cant have a quinceanera until ur 15 (hence the name QUINCE). Sorry but u still gotta wait 3 yrs.
Posted by Nicole; updated 04/08/06
Well let me tell you something sad that happen to me with my babys daddy. My baby was 5 months and i said to my self am ganna baptised my baby his dad is not. WEll i went to the classes by myself he didn`t . He said same thing, no he was to embarrased and he wasn`t baptised either. So i was"am ganna baptised my baby no matter what with his dad going or not. Well at last he got baptised but his dad never got there at church for his son! So i say to you tell your mom to go with you and get baptised. When you have your quinceanera his going to be like i was wrong and thank your mom for life. Take care am a quinceanera teacher in california and please don`t feel bad i now what you mean.
Posted by laura; updated 05/29/06
Hey Girl,
Your parents are not needed at the front of the church when you are this age. Your god parents just need to be there to support you spritually, not literaterlly. Your Dad should be proud that you are wanting to be closer to God. Best luck.
Posted by Sylvia; updated 05/30/06
Of course you can still have a 15 its not bout bieng babtized as long your still pure and a virgin
Posted by baby girl; updated 05/31/06