Wedding Invitations

I have no idea what i am doing. I have my wedding invites but i dont know what else i need and how they go together. Can anyone help me?
Posted by Sheila; updated 03/24/06


If you are having a reception in the same place as your ceremony, and it will be fairly small, you may print "Reception immediately following ceremony", or something like that.

If you are having a sit-down meal or large buffet, especially if it is at a different venue than the ceremony, you will need response cards and reception cards. These are usually sold to match the invitations. This is how you may word them: (Reception)
Please join us for a formal reception
Foxwood Country Club
123 Main St.
Anytown, USA 72000

Please respond on or before
August 1, 2006

The reception card does not have an envelope; you just tuck it in with the invitation.
The response card comes with its own envelope, and you have it printed with the name and address where you would like to receive the responses.
You should always pre-stamp these as a courtesy to your guests.
Posted by Valerie; updated 03/26/06