I need some help. Me and my bofriend have been going out for 15 months.i would never give him anything he wanted it was always about me. He would give me all his time. He would choose me over his friends any day. And when it come to me i would never do that. I was ditch him for my friends.after a couple of months i did change and my life was PERFECT, but after time went by i changed and everything was the some. Well the story goes on but the may problem is that he told me if i wouldnt change or show him that i realy do care he wonld not give me a second chance.and either leave me of he would change and not do anything for me to show me how he felt. Were still together but EVERYTHING is different. I give him everything but now he never gives me anything. When i want to go somewhere with him i cant cuz his always with his freinds, i think i lost him. When i talk to him about it it he says that he told me everything would change if i didnt show him that cared.i dont know wat to do cuz i know i had a chance and i let it go. And know that i want him he doesnt want me. Wat should i do???? i dont know if i show leave him or bear the pain that our relationship will never be the same??
Posted by Isabell; updated 03/23/06
Hey Isabella. Well first of all i dont think you should stay with him a gurl should never go after a guy a guy should come to should leave him and he says he loves you that much than he`ll come to u.Plus theirs more fish in the sea.
Posted by Wendy; updated 06/06/06
It is called "shoe on the other foot". You gave your behind to kiss and now he is letting you feel the pain of it on the other foot. He started off right and you gave him no respect and now you don`t like the feeling. How do you think he was feeling when you did that to him. You both need to sit down and talk it over because it isn`t fair to treat any human or animal for that matter, that way. If you give respect, then you will receive it. My great-grandparents have been married almost 62years (marrying at 16 and 18), my grandparents also married young at 18 (both) and they have been married almost 40 years and still together and my parents are still together also after 18 years of marriage. They give each other respect, they love each other with their whole heart and they work together. You did not start out that way and he is not ending it that way and if you want it to last with him, you need to talk to him as he did to you and tell him that if you BOTH cannot respect each other and love each other, then BOTH need to separate and leave the relationship. Apologize for treating him like $hit (as you know you did) and be mature enough to leave things behind you. I learned a lot from my family and I am only 16 but I know that when I get into a relationship, how I want to be treated and how I am goign to treat him.
Posted by Yaris; updated 06/07/06
Seriously, I really hate girls like you because you make guys disrespect women. He was doing everything that most of us look for in guys and you treated him like crap and now that he is treating you like crap (because you changed him), you don`t like it. You are the reason why there are barely no good guys left in the world because the most terrible people get the best guys and they treat them like crap and when they move on, their hearts are broken and they turn hard as stone and the next girl that comes along, they treat her bad because of the one who treated them bad. Now you want to be there for him and be a good girlfriend and yyou want sympathy. Not here!!!!
Posted by Brenda; updated 06/07/06