Video Montage
Im looking for a unique idea for bat mitzvah video montage...not just same old run of the mill photos.any suggestions?
Posted by deb; updated 03/22/06
I recently attended the Bar Mitzvah of my nephew that was so wonderful. They had put up a big-screen tv and played a musical show made with pictures of him growing up from childhood to now. It was perfectly synchronized to music and because it was professionally made, the results were awesome! Later, they presented a copy of the DVD to every guest as a souvenir to take home. They got the show custom made for them by Smiling Snaps and I had never seen anything like that before.
Posted by Rebecca Feinberg; updated 08/24/10
We are "All About U Montages" - a new video montage company - you can see our work at: Check out the sample montage in the Bar/Bat Mitzvah section.
Posted by David Hillenbran; updated 09/10/10