Very unique, quick, well dressed, accountable, airbrush artists. We have painted from The beach resort hotels to museums, events, restaraunts, country clubs, etc. Can paint everything from names, and well illustrated cartoons, to incredible portraits of your invited guests, ALL IN GOOD TASTE. We really DO stand out and work well with a croud! All equipment is silent and we aim to get the best results in your scheduled time slots. Call us about prices and availability for your next event. Mr. John Craig (818) 288-6975 / Mr. Hector Rios (213) 435-9611 VISIT OUR PARTY POP SITE Airbrush Artists Los Angeles, or go directly to our Official Online portfolio: WWW.ARTERNATIVES.COM (you won`t be let down!) Arternatives Custom Airbrushing & Graphics

Visit our page for more info: Arternatives Custom Airbrushing & Graphics

Posted by Chelsea Tallman; updated 03/13/06