I have a cousin that lives out of state, he has a girlfriend and a one year old that i have never met.
His current status with her is up in the air so when I
Addressed his invitation I wrote Bob and guest.
He sent his responce back as 3 will attend (the girlfriend and the baby) The problem is that I do not want children at my wedding !!!! I have a very large family and numerous children and if I make an exception for one it will offend the others. What is the best thing to say when i call to tell them the baby can not come to the reception ?
Posted by lisa; updated 03/13/06


You are right; that is a rude response. A guest should never invite extra people whether they are his children or not!

If I were you, I would tell him that you are so glad that he and his girlfriend are coming, and that although you`d love to see the baby, you just aren`t providing childcare for the ceremony and reception. You hope he understands this, and that if he were to bring his, everyone else would be offended b/c they couldn`t bring theirs.
Try to prepare yourself for the possibility that he will offer you an ultimatim:either they all come or none come. Decide what your response will be to this ahead of time, just in case.

Also, if you feel overly generous, and you think they will not be able to find a sitter, check around with friends or relatives who might be willing to watch the baby during the wedding.
Posted by Valerie; updated 03/14/06