
I am getting married soon and will be sending invitations shortly. My partner and I have been living together for 4 years and have everything we need for our new house. I am looking for a poem to post in my invitations telling guests that we would prefer gift vouchers or money rather than presents. How do I do this withour being rude???
Posted by Laura Parr; updated 03/08/06


Here is the perfect verse to your situation. I am getting married next year and will be using this in mine....

They have their dishes and towels for two
They have pots and pans and oven mitts too
So what do you get for the bride and groom
Whose house is set up in everyroom??
Their house needs repairs and some upgrades too
But you can not register for carpet and glue.
An envelope will be provided for those who have room
To give a monetary wish to the bride and groom.

Let me know what you think.
Posted by PATRICIA; updated 03/08/06