I Need A Song To Dance With My Stepdad

Hi people, well my quinces are in october but i want to know what song i should dance with my stepdad! ive known him for about 3 years only. Please if you know of any songs tell me!!!
Posted by jessica; updated 03/03/06


Girl i am in the same position that you are in, ive known my step-dad since I was 8, pero anyways im having my 15`s in April 22 this year an I am lookin for a song to dance wit him with an its really hard, pero if i come up wit somthing i will let you know an if you think of somthing or if anyone else can please let me know, hit me ^ at mommysangel@gmail.com if you have somthing......------ thanx
Posted by missy; updated 03/06/06