Salsa Nights In Richmond

If you reside in/or about Richmond, VA, and are a lover of "REAL" classic Salsa, and would like to join our free membership offer to be an exclusive member of our "Noches De Salsa En Vinyl" (Registered name), and be appraised of our events, please email me your name, and birth date to include only "Month and Day," and, with the Subject Line to read: "Membership Application," I will add you to our mailing list. Once this "Noches De Salsa En Vinyl" (Registered name) explodes in Richmond, it will be for "Exclusive Members Only." 21 and over is a must, and you will have to "Dress to Impress" for all of our events. Email me at: Izzy@NYMamboMadness.Com, or call: 1.804.303-1433.
Posted by Izzy; updated 03/01/06